What is your favourite thing to train?

runescape dragons

runescape dragons
picture from :http://images.mmosite.com/photo/2008/08/12/runescapew17B7mF4N4W17.jpg

The rune knight

The rune knight
picture from greekfreak8.webs.com/runescape_logo.gif

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Deul arena is mini game you get to challenge people and vs them there's options like food and drinks if you click on it you can't eat food or drink strength poison and it's where you get the Health skill cape.If you stake stuff who ever wins get all.

Fist of Guthix

Fist of Guthix is also in the wild it's a mini game like clan wars but its only 1 vs 1 and different rules some one is the Hunter and some one is being Hunted the person that's being hunted has to pick up a stone and run and hide before the hunter defeats him you have five bandages, the center is the best place to get points there's a stone if you click on it you teleporte to the center of it. Bandages heal damage you also have unlimited rune's for magic.There's four tiny house you get to teleport to house to house if you win you get tokens if you get a lot of them you get to buy cool stuff.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


These are the fishes in runescape: shrimp, crayfish, sardine, karambwanji, herring, anchovie, markerel, oyster, casket, seaweed, trout, cod, pike, slimy eel, salmon, tuna, rainbow fish, cave eels, lobster, bass, swordfish, lava eel, monk fish, karambwan, shark, sea turtle, manta ray, cave fish, rock tail and that's all the fish in runescape.